The Stephen F Austin Hotel
701 Congress Avenue
Austin, TX 78701

Each year, THBI hosts the annual Summit and Luminary Awards events to highlight the world-class innovation taking place across the state and to educate state policy leaders. This fall, we are excited to plan for the first in-person event since the 2019 Fall Summit. This event will include a half day conference and will host conversations highlighting health policy initiatives and issues impacting patient access, research and development, and the future of the healthcare and life sciences industries in Texas.

The event will also highlight industry leaders who have furthered innovation in Texas with the presentation of the annual Luminary Awards at a dinner following the Summit. The Luminary Award honors individuals for their contributions and efforts to further the development of the life science industry in Texas. 

The summit audience brings together members of the Texas Legislature and their staff, the Texas Congressional delegation members and their staff, state agency staff, patient groups, THBI members and life science industry professionals. For more information regarding sponsorship opportunities, please contact Julia Perkins at julia@thbi.com.


1:30 - 1:50 pm


1:50 - 3:10 pm

Delivering Life-Saving Innovations to Patients

The life science industry is on the forefront of breakthrough innovations bringing diagnostics, therapeutics, and medical devices from discovery to marketplace. But what happens once those innovations are ready for the patient? How does a patient access them and how does their health insurance coverage benefit the patient? These discussions will focus on what it takes to create life-saving innovations and how the price the patient pays at the counter is determined. 

3:10 - 4:00 pm
The Future of Drug Development and Policy Challenges

Through the advancement of technology, the ability for personalized medicine is becoming more widely available to treat illness and disease more precisely. These discussions will cover how patients are benefiting from the innovations of genomic and personalized diagnostics and therapies, their value, policy implications, and alternative payment models.   

4:00 - 4:30 pm
Fireside Chat
John M. Zerwas, MD, Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs, The University of Texas System and Former Texas State Representative 

Peter Pisters, MD, President, MD Anderson Cancer Center

4:30 - 6:00 pm 
Networking Reception

6:00 - 7:30 pm
Luminary Awards Dinner
U.S. Congressman Dan Crenshaw 
Texas State Senator Lois Kolkhorst
Texas State Representative Toni Rose

Emcee: Kent Hance